Monday 14 October 2013

Quick 2 week recap...

Week of Oct 7th

Another slow week, really nothing exciting to report.  Lino is still up and down at night. Last night he was up 2x and the last time we just gave up since it was 6:45.  Monday we went to Gymboree but the other moms didn't make it so it was just us. We spent a few hours there then went across the parking lot to get a pot for Lino's bulb he planted...a school project.  We originally planted it in a container that I had in the house but it wasn't really the right one and I was worried it wasn't going to grow so we went to find a proper one. The guys in the gardening section was really nice because he just gave us a bunch of the extra plastic pots that they would normally throw out. So we got about a dozen plastic pots for free!!! Sweet.  Then home to play and make dinner. Since we didn't get to make the Wellington on Sunday I was in charge of making that and Mikes special risotto. Well I attempted to make it but it's kind of hard to pull off such a delicate technique as risotto with 2 screaming kids...anyway the Wellington came out let's see if Lino eats it.   I guess I will let Mike stick to making the risotto :-)

The little rolls are the extra mushroom base and prosciutto...nice little snacks that I thought Lino might like but no. 

Tuesday was another crazy night for Lino and for me. I usually am pretty good about putting Lino back in the bed when he gets up but for some reason I had no concept of what I was doing and let him get into the bed at 6. So for a hour he was kicking us, smacking us and just down right reeking havoc on the bed...this is not a good way to start the morning.  Oh well, not much we can do about it. So today was shopping in the morning and coffee morning in the city. Lino had a great time and the weather was nice so after we left we went to the park to play a little more. I put Shaun on the slides to see if he would like it but I don't think he did. But once he was on Lino wanted to slide with him so they was cute. But I think we need a couple more weeks  or so before Shaun really enjoys it. 

Happy brothers on the slides. 

We were having a decent day until Lino had another poopy diaper. I was so frustrated I was shaking. I wanted to kill him because he looked right at me and I told him to go poop because he was holding his butt like he had to poop and what did he do???? He looked me right in the eyes and pooped...WTF!!!!!  I called all my allies to get advice and all of them said the same thing, "you can't make him go to the potty at this stage and of he is doing it right in front of you like that you have to let it go and completely ignore him"!!!  So I bit my tongue and let it go...but it was hard. So the afternoon was recked but thankfully Mike dealt with poopy but. 

Wednesday was crazy busy. I did the normal drop off then went to get a few things from the store before heading to a sling meet. I want to get anther sling but don't know what I want.  So I went there and saw one of Lino's friends mom from play school so we talked, I tried on a couple of slings it didn't want to pay for the rental so I left. I raced home to put the groceries in the fridge before Lino got home and when I got home I noticed that I had a low tire...a freaking slow leak I think. So I check with the hubby and he said to get it fixed but I had plans of having people over in the afternoon and I still needed to make the cake so going to the tyre/tire shop wasn't really in my plans but I guess it has to be done. So I picked Lino up and we wet to get the tire fixed. 

I was trying to explain to Lino what a flat tire was...not sure he got it but he left me alone after a couple questions.

Thankfully it was only a slow leak from a nail so the guy was able to pull the nail out and fill it pretty quickly, like 10min and it cost me nothing at all!!!! I was so shocked and happy it was a nice treat. I know it didn't really cost much to fix it but in the states I'm sure they would have charged me something, labor or something, so I was really surprised by the no charge. That's a nice thing about Ireland I guess.

So we went home I baked the cake and we had Michelle & Freya over for a little while. It was nice to have a chat and Lino loved all over Freya it was cute. He is so bossy too it's funny, he thinks he is everyone's dad...oh Lino. 

Thursday was another busy day for me...drop off, got fisjh for dinner, then to Midleton to go to the Garda station to show my car tax sticker. The funny thing was that the guy at the station looked at me like I had 10 heads when I told him what I was doing. It made me feel like these Garda's are nothing but con artist but I could be wrong, maybe the lady who pulled me over was just being nice so this wasn't protocol so that is why the guy was so confused. Who knows. So after that I headed to the coffee morning and got 2 invitations to meet at the farmers market but I had already committed to going to the coffee morning so I had to decline. But it felt good to get invitations!!!  Coffee morning was busy but good, then went to get Lino and then home for lunch. During lunch we got invited to Fota so we raced to get ready for that. It was such a nice day so it was perfect to go to Fota...Lino was excited.  So we went there with Nicole and had a good afternoon. Lino had another poop and I felt like a bad mom because I let him sit in it but he has to learn, he is stubborn. So we went home a little early because of the poop.  On the way out I saw the funniest thing, it must be mating season for the giraffes because the male giraffe was following the female around and she pee'd right in front of him and he took a sample of her his mouth!!! Then he didn't just drink it, he lifted it up to the air and swished it around in his mouth, like he was seriously testing it. He did this for like 5min, and the kids asked why he was drinking the other giraffes pee...neither one of us had a good explanation so we just said we didn't know. Too funny. We left there and went home for dinner and Mike cleaned Lino up.  Lino actually wanted to eat dinner which was a nice surprise but I think he was hungry because if his busy day. 

Friday was coffee morning at the Claire's house, mom at the school. I Shaun wasn't sleeping well and Lino got up around 6:30 so I got up at 7 to finish the cake I was making and to upload pictures to the internet.  Mike said I was crazy for baking at 7am, and he might be right but I didn't want to bring stale cake to my first coffee morning :-/.  Shaun had a blow out while we at her house and I had no real clothes to change him into, only summer clothes because I'm so out of it. So I had to borrow clothes from the ladies, oh Renee. We spent 2.5hrs talking which was actually really nice. I learned a lot about circumcision practices or non practice in Ireland which was crazy, and about Irish twins (kids born within 1yr of each other) and got to share crazy stories about raising boys...good times. After picking up Lino it was back home for lunch I put clothes out to dry since it was such a beautiful day. But it smelled like manure in the air, as it always does, and I could only wonder if my clothes smell like cow poo or fresh air???? Hard to say...oh well. The things you do to save a few bucks. 

Laundry getting a fresh scent drying or a cow poo infusion?  

We were having our first Irish sitter, child minder, tonight so Mike only jogged half way home and we went to get him half way. I tried some Benadryl on Lino for lunch to see if it would put him to sleep or keep him prep for our surprise trip back home. He was tired after about 45min but wouldn't go to sleep. Instead he screamed from his bed for about a hour before finally giving up...he was so tired. I thought he might sleep for a while but he only slept a hour and was super nasty after bueno. So when it was time to go get Mike he was not happy at all but finally I was able to convince him to get in the car. We got Mike and went home to get ready for our date night. One of Mikes coworkers daughter watched the boys and she was super sweet. Lino didn't know what to think at first but quickly decided he liked having someone new over. We told her all about the boys and told her about Shaun and prayed that he would be good. He has only taken a bottle 1x with someone as has only been with a sitter one other time as well...which he didn't take a bother for her. So we were worried he wouldn't take a bottle again but she wasn't too worried. I figured he would be ok either way because I knew he was fed and we weren't going to be gone long so he could survive if he didn't want the milk. Oh, speaking of milk...the stupid freezer sucks and it must go thru these freeze thaw cycles all the time because there were ice sickles all in the freezer and frost everywhere.  Not to mention the refrigerator is usually frozen over about once a week which is a complete pain in the least the bottom shelf doesn't  freeze but it's a complete nightmare. One day the #3 setting on the fridge is great then 2 days later everything is frozen...WTF! Anyway we went to dinner in the city, Greene, and then went to a pub for a couple pints...a couple for Mike it was more like 2/3 of a pint for me :-/   It was just nice to have a conversation without chasing after a 3yr old or wrestling a 6mo old. And we only checked on the kiddos once which was good for me.  We tried not I talk about the normal things but it took a little while to get the work/kids/home topics off the table but after that it was nice good old fashion general conversation...jokes about the people in the bar, talking about fashion that we both have no clue about, getting caught up on politics (that I hate but enjoyed today) then of course reminiscing about our dating days :-) <3. It was a nice few hours of adult time with my love.  We caught the train back and got home to a quiet house but soon discovered that Shaun didn't take the bottle, as predicted, and cried for a while but Lino was good and a good big brother and sang to him a lot to help calm him down. So all in all everyone survived!  So Mike put Lino to bed and I tried to get Shaun to take the bottle but no dice so I fed him and he went to bed so we had a couple more hrs of freedom before bed. What a nice way to end the week, love my hubby and love date night!!!!

Saturday we had lots to do but didn't get to everything...we got up and I started packing for our trip...I should have started packing on Friday but had to finish laundry. Packing took all my brain cells so it took forever. I made our traditional banana pancakes which were so good and it was even better because of the skippy peanut butter.  Mike is at the point where he won't even touch the other stuff, Panda, because it taste like cardboard...hahaha. It's not exactly that bad but it's not nearly as good as skippy so I can't blame him but what can you do???? We can't stock up on 3yrs of peanut butter...or can we???? I think we might try actually...we are such PB snobs.  We had a visitor come by while we were eating breakfast...kind of cool to have a visitor come up on horse.  It really wasn't a visitor for us, it was our landlords sister but she stopped to talk to us anyway...well Lino wanted to see the horse so they ran out to say hi!

So after breakfast was more packing. I decided to bring the extra diapers back with me to return or exchange them if possible, plus I was going to need the extra suit case for all the extra crap we were going to get anyway so what the heck. It took so long to get the stuff packed that we barely had time to get ready before we had to race out for the bday party. We had to stop at the store to get a few things then went too Monkey Maze. It was a complete nightmare in the parking lot, I couldn't believe how crowded it was...someone didn't think this threw when they designed the place. We ended up parking across the street on the street, in Ireland you kind of park where ever you want. We got in and Lino ran right to his buddy Partick. They played the whole time and had a good time it seemed. Mike just hung out while I mingled with the other moms. It was a nice party but the place was packed, kind of expected it for a Saturday. So close to the end Mike left to get dinner, we were going to make pizza but Supervalu was out of pizza dough so we decided to make tacos instead. Once he got back I dragged Lino out and we went home. Had dinner, put the boys in the bath then bed for them. All the packing was pretty much done and we had a early morning so we only stayed up for a little while before heading to bed ourself. 

Sunday 3:15am....beep beep beep beep!!! Time to go, we threw everything in the car and I tried to remember a few last minute things then we left. Shaun stayed a sleep for the transfer from the bed to the car seat but Lino decided to stay up and talk to us for a while. He was excited about getting on the plane and about seeing Nini and PopPop but after about a hour he fell asleep. It only took 2.5hrs to get to Dublin which was nice and at that time of day the roads were completely empty!!! I think we may have passed 10 cars total the whole time, crazy. So we get to the airport and get checked in pretty easy.  The airport is really nice and clean and seemed pretty new but maybe they just keep it up, which ever it was nice.  When we checked in they said it was going to take 1hr 45min to go thru preclearance so we didn't have time to have a snack together before leaving. So we said our goodbyes and it was just me and the boys...God help me.  Thankfully preclearance, aka customs, was a breeze and the customs guy was pretty nice. I had packed some fruits for Lino to eat on the plane and I said I wasn't going to tell them about it because I knew they would make me toss them but when he asked me I couldn't lie so I told him about the bananas and I gave him 3 of the 4 that I had and he tossed them. But he told me thank you for being honest and I was just thinking if he only knew I still had a banana and grapes in Lino's bookbag he wouldn't be saying that. I didn't want to lie but I didn't know if they would have anything for me to buy for Lino to snack on on the plane in the airport so I didn't want to risk my sanity for a few grapes. And as expected there was nothing for me to buy after customs so it was a good thing I didn't give him all our snacks. We did get a sandwich and a stale croissant but no fruit. Our plane was a little delayed but not by much and Lino was ready to go!!! We boarded and the plane was about done boarding and I had the seat next to me open so I thought I might have the row to us but at the last moment a man sat down next to me. I felt bad for him at first but he ended up being really nice. His name was David and we ended up talking almost the whole time. He helped me with Shaun and Lino and even put Shaun to sleep while I took Lino to go poop. He was so happy to help that he wouldn't even let me take Shaun back when he was sleeping, he wanted to snuggle with him so I let him, it was a nice break. Anyway he was a God sent and really helped make the flight go so much quicker. Lino was really good but he got board with his movies really quickly and only took a hour long nap because he wasn't comfortable in his chair, I couldn't get it to lay back. Plus Shaun kept trying to grab him and woke him up so I just knew it was going to be a fight but it wasn't. At one point I was so tired that I bribed Lino to sit and watch a movie so that I could try to get a 30min nap in and it actually worked!!!  That little 45min nap was amazing!!!!  So 6.5hrs later we land in NY and I have nobodies phone number because I had that stupid flip phone that I never put anyone's number in and I forgot to bring my old iPhone with all my contacts so I was screwed. It took me about 20min to think to check the call log and once I did I saw 2 NY numbers that I knew was Nini and PopPop I just didn't know which was which but it didn't matter. I called them both and the 2nd number was Nini and she answered, thank God, and called PopPop to tell him we were here, early.  Since we were early and PopPop was 30min away we got our bags and some lady helped me to push all our crap to the passenger pick up area. It didn't seem like it took long at all before PopPop got there and Lino was super excited!! 

We got home and Lino ran to Nini I give her loving and we went to say hi to Nan. We just relaxed the rest of the day, did FaceTime with daddy, had dinner and crashed!!!  It's nice to be in the states but I'm so tired I have to get some rest before I can enjoy it properly :-)

Nan & Shaun reunited!!

Week of Oct 14th:
Monday was pretty relaxing. Lino got up early and was up with PopPop for a while watching TV then came in the room with me and Shaun for a while but Shaun was wide awake and kept bothering him so he left.   This is Shaun happy as can be at 2:30 in the morning...ugh jet lag!

Eventually he ended up with Nini and slept in for a little.  Lino old Nini that he wanted to be a big boy so he didn't have a diaper on but he ended up pee'ing his pants 2x before we left so that was the end of that.  Once we got civilized we went shopping for some of the stuff I need to take back. First stop was Walmart to try to take the diapers back but the said I couldn't take them back I could only exchange them for a different size...ugh. So I got bigger sizes and hopefully won't have to deal with this again. I don't want to take them back to Ireland wit me so I'm just going to leave them in NY for when we come back to visit...that means one less thing to pack for us which is a good thing. So while I was there I went ahead and got a few other things that we needed like 4 giant 32oz tubs of peanut butter but once I got back to the car I remembered the other 5 things I also needed...guess I'll be back here later. While I was shopping the boys were in the car snoozing so we ran to a couple other places before going home. We tried to let Lino sleep in the car but he woke up when we stopped the car, oh well. That rest of the night was relaxing PopPop brought Lino a car home from work but since he had pee pee accident he couldn't have his car. He actually took it kind of well which we were surprised about. Maria made burgers and sausages for dinner and I finally had a plate of banana pudding...yummy my favorite!!!! Except Nini mushed up all the bananas instead of just slicing them so the texture was weird...I told her I didn't like the formula adjustment but I don't think she cared :-)

Tuesday we finished some more shopping at Costco and Nini seemed to love it...a few of her normal purchases she was able to buy for cheap there so she was happy.  Then we had belly bombers for lunch (yum!) and I went to the bank to do a few things then back to the house to get things cleaned and repacked for the next leg of the trip. We went to a brew house for dinner because kids ate free and there was a balloon guy there. It was a nice last night in town and Nini & Lino had fun with the balloons :-)

Everyone loves to feed babies but Shuan really likes to eat so it works out. 

Shaun and his Nini...u can feel the love thru the picture. 

Nini, Lino, Siesta & PopPop passed out on the cute and such a special moment. 

Wednesday we were up early to finish packing and headed to the airport.  Nini dropped us off and I was able to pull the stroller while pushing the cart with the 2 car seats and suit case...a lady did help me which was nice but I was happy I got everything consolidated into one cart. We flew on US Airways and the check in line was a complete joke. It took almost 45min to get checked in and get our bag tags and people kept looking at me like I was crazy because I had my hands full...but we made it work. We had 2 flights and the first one was crowded but not too bad, I saw one of Nini's coworkers and we chated for a while. I couldn't remember her name at first but finally when we got to Charlotte I remembered it. The boys did good on the plane which was nice and we didn't have far to go for our next flight, It was only 2 gates down so that was nice. We stopped to get something to eat then boarded the plane. I was pooped and I could tell Lino was sleepy too so I told him to take a nap...and he did!!!!  I was shocked but I guess he was board and there really wasn't much to miss so there was no real reason to fight me. So we actually all 3 took a nap, we slept the while 2.5hrs on the flight! And the nice thing was that the lady that was suppose to sit next to me moved to another seat since the plane wasn't full so we had the while row to ourself...sweet!  We made it to KC but we were literally the last ones to get off of the plane so my mom was about to jump thru the gates when she finally saw Lino. It was a nice reunion tho and really good to see her, in person. We got our bags and went to the car but it took like 45min to pack the car with the stroller and huge suitcase. Once we finally figured out the correct configuration we looked at each other like "why didn't we try that first???"  It's crazy, it's my old car and I had no idea how to pack it. I think it's because we always use to use the van so I really don't have any experience with packing the car with all our kid crap...anywho we made it worked and headed to TT's house. 

GG flew in around the same time as me but Teri was picking her up at a different terminal so we didn't see each other. So the plan was to surprise dad at dinner so we hung out at the house for a little whole but I wanted to get away and get my toes done so TT & I left the boys with Nana and went to get pampered. It was nice to get away and to have some quality time with my big sis. We talked about the weirdest stuff like death and the lady doing my toes kept laughing to herself then finally chimed in on our conversation. It was weird but cool at the same time...anyway it was a good time. So we got back and eventually left for dinner. We got there late because, well, no real excuse but we were really late because Lino was having a melt down and I had to do a little time out time with him. But finally we were able to walk around the corner of the restaurant and surprise dad, GG and Teri. Dad just sat there with his jaw on the table in shock for like 5min and GG was just smiling from ear to ear as Teri ran to Lino. It was a nice surprise and I don't think dad had any clue even tho he told me that he had a feeling I was going to surprise him...whatever.  He told me that he told his boss today that he had the feeling I was going to surprise him, he just had a the heck would he know I was going to surprise him???? He has no idea what kind of travel nightmare I went thru to get here for his party, this was not a casual decision...oh dad. Maybe he knows me better than I thought...I couldn't miss his big 60th bday so I guess it was kind of a good chance I would make it work, well whatever he thinks it doesn't matter. All that matters is that look oh his face when he saw us. If only I had a video recorder that would have been a great moment to capture...even a picture would have been nice but we all forgot them at home...oh well.  So we had a nice dinner and I ate way too much cake because I'm a pig and the cake was good. Dad gave me lots of hugs so it made me feel really good, I'm glad we were able I make it to surprise him on his birthday. 

Grandpa having a moment with Shaun Shaun. Shaun was obsessed with pulling at GP's jaw, he thought it was the funniest thing ever. 

GP didn't seem to mind much either. 

Thursday Nini was at the house with us all day while TT and Pierre went to work. We really didn't do much except hang out and in the afternoon I went to get my hair done. I pumped a little milk for Shaun but wasn't expecting him to take a bottle but just in case he got hungry there was something there for him. I decided I wanted to get some chipotle but didn't think I would find a place by the shop but since I took the scenic route to the shop I passed one so I was able to get me a late lunch to go.  I had a nice chat with TT's stylist and made another appt for the week that I leave, I figure why not pamper myself while I'm here and can do it. And I got to enjoy my Chipotle too, it was so good!!!  After my hair was done I was going to stop at the store before heading home but I remembered it was almost time for Morgan to get out of school so I went to pick her up instead. She was surprised to see me and that made me feel good. She said she wanted to go shooing with me and mom said she was ok with the boys so we headed to Walmart for a quick shopping trip.  And since no trip to Walmart is quick it took us over a hour to get the few things that I needed. And I still forgot to get a sippy cup so we had to run back in to get one before we left...geeze Louise. So once we finally got home I realized I had left Shaun for almost 5hrs and he was actually ok...well until he saw me. Mom said he was pretty good and didn't cry much at all but didn't take the bottle either. But once he saw me that was all down hill...oh well. It was a nice break, I just wish he would take a bottle, but maybe he will take the sippy cup...we will see. The evening was uneventful.  Shaun spent a lot of time with TT and I think he thinks she is me or something because he seems to be the most comfortable with her which is nice. They even had a nice moment together on the rocking chair...Shaun is good for wearing you out as TT quickly found out. 

TT and I watched Greys before she left with Pierre to get his mom. Once they left I watched Scandal by myself and was very happy!  Once they got back it was late but we all stayed up talking for a couple hours before heading to bed. 

Oh and today is one of my closest friends birthday, Gina!  And my good friend Eddie & Angela became a grandparents today exciting. 

Friday was the first day of the party weekend. TT and Pierre were running around like crazy all day getting the last minute things together and I was busy making more work. I had Pierre add more pictures to the slide presentation that he was working on...oops.  The baby uncle, Carter, and his family arrived first and we hung out for a while and caught up then a couple of hours then one of TT's friends came over and later dad and Teri made it. TT had to leave to get our cousin Jordan from the airport but while she was gone the party the drinking commenced :-).  Once the drinks start flowing there is always a card or domino game going on at the same time and this time it was domino's. It's always funny to watch the family play dominos because everyone thinks they are Gods domino prodigy or's comical. So one room has the loud mouth men playing dominos and the other room has an equally intense game of uno going on with a 3, 7, 20 & 40yr old...what a sight to see. It was a good night and once the party started to slow down I put the kids in the bed and the big boys ended their domino game. Dad was still in the mood to party so he kept taking shots of Crown Royal. He used almost everything as an excuse to take a shot and we kept telling him he didn't need an exuse to drink, it was his bday weekend so he was in the clear on drinking. The only problem was that his little followers didn't want to be shown out by a 60yr old man so everyone would grab their shot glass and join him. Even out cousin Jordan was on the shot ban wagon. At one point I think they told about 4-5 shots in one a power hour. And I knew Pierre was drunk because he started going on and on about wanting to drive down to 18th & Vine to hear some Jazz music. He was acting like he was going to drive but he was way past driving limit so dad said he would drive but he was I we his limit too. So now the fight was who was going to drive these drunk assess to 18th & one was volunteering and I had a great excuse not to volunteer so finally we told them they didn't need to go. So instead we all sat around and told stories and they drank a little more before the party finally ended. Jordan passed out on the couch and about 30min later while we where getting air mattresses and beds set up for everyone he decides he had to much to drink and threw up all over was gross and smelly!!!  But thankfully he mainly got it in himself and only a few little chunks landed on the floor/couch...poor baby. It was funny as hell tho because we were all impressed with him keeping up with the big boys so we thought he was a closet drinker or something. The reality is that he just drank to much to quickly otherwise I think he would have been alright. 

Dad was being funny and just kept saying that good thing he took a nap and that he was feeling good because he took a nap...TT and I both yelled at him and was like "if u don't stop talking about this nap we are going to hurt u!"  Hahahaha. He swears up and down that this nap is what kept him from going to far with his drinking and I think it was really the fact that he has about 45yrs of experience that kept him from getting sick. So then dad decided it was time to snack so I made him a plate of red beans and rice then Pierre decided he wanted a snack too and I told him not to eat that stuff because he didn't need it...told him to just eat some chips and leave that stuff alone but did he listen?? No!!! And who was on the floor praying to the porcelain Gods 20min later???  Pierre...stupid is as stupid does...and he was a mess but deserved it because he wouldn't listen. What a was fun and I didn't even have ken drink but I had a great time hanging with family and watching the craz people drink. I love the family gatherings!

Saturday was party day. Since dad stayed the night we made a big breakfast for everyone and of course we had to spend half the morning recapping the night.  Uncle Sherman and Aunt Mary arrived around noon so they were just in time for the recap.  It was great and Pierre even got a new name: Earl!!!! Hahahaha. He was talking so much crap yesterday about the fact that I made him throw up the first time I met him because I was mixing all these crazy drinks but I didn't have anything to do with his drinks last night and all he was drinking was Crown Royal so he had no excuse for himself so that is why I renamed him Earl. I don't think he liked it but I didn't really care, it was funny. He didn't even remember half of what he did last night so he deserved the new name.  After the mega breakfast-fest recap we did what we needed to do for the day and got ready to go to the party that evening.  Uncle Sherman was so pooped that afternoon he fell asleep in the chair  I got there late with the boys because Lino passed out on the floor and I let him get a nap in...I didn't want to wake a sleeping lion :-)   So by the time we got there TT and Pierre had already presented the slide show with all the pictures that they had put tougher and TT said dad teared up a little because of all the I missed that. About 20min later it was about time to start the "roast". So I set up the video camera and we started recording. The "roast" was kind of funny because everyone loves dad so much that no one had anything bad to say. So after a few minutes of all the love stories about dad I had to share my 2 favorite memories of him:

1) maybe my most favorite memory is the lobster tails that dad use to get from work all the time. I didn't really know where he got them from but I knew that we couldn't normally afford them so it was a super special treat to have them but we seemed to be eating these huge lobster tails all the time. It was great! TT and I felt like we were really fancy when we had our lobster dinners.  I use to think dad stole them off of the truck or something like that and actually he use to buy them from one of his friends that likely stole them off of a truck...hahaha. Those were the good ol days back at the yellow house as we like to call it. It was our first house in Kansas. 

2) this memory of dad has scared me for life and even today I'm still scared from day dad thought it would be a good idea for the TV to babysit me and my sister. We were only 5 & 8yrs old and we were watching TV while dad was in the converted garage in the yellow house playing cards, drinking and likely smoking and what ever else he was doing.  One show went off that we were watching and the next show was The Exorcist and we thought we were getting away with something because we were going to watch a scary movie since dad was busy. Well little did we know that would be the scariest movie we would ever see and it freaked us out to death!!!!!  We were so scared after it was over that we couldn't even move from the couch. Not to mention we didn't want to touch the floor because we were afraid that something would come thru the floor to get us. So once The Exorcist I went off part II was right after it and since we were stuck cold in our tracks and unable to get off of the couch to change the channel (there were no remote controls for our TV back then) we ended up watching almost half of part II before dad came to save us. We were so freaked out and all he could do was laugh at us and he asked us why we would watch it if it was scary??? Well because we were too small to understand how scary it was going to be dad...duh!!  To this day I can't watch anything even similar to The Exorcist and even talking about it makes me get chills. Talk about bad parenting, hahaha, dad thinks that was the funniest thing and even to this day he just laughs when we remind him about it. 

So after his roast he walked around to talk to some of his friends and it was nice to see him enjoying himself. It was good to see all of these people that we haven't seen in years and it was nice for so many people to come and celebrate his birthday.  He opened gifts, we sang happy birthday and had cake!!!  It was a good night and it actually didn't last as long as I thought it might. I think everyone was tired from the night before so everyone was ready to retire early which was fine with me. Pierre and TT did a great job with the party and dad was really greatful.   

TT planned for a Sunday brunch at the house so mom, TT, Pierre and I worked to get stuff ready for everyone. In true Britton fashion the birthday boy didn't get there until about 3hrs after the start time and then after about a hour after he got here he passed out on the floor after playing with the grand kids...oh dad.  TT ended up giving me a little break and put Shaun down for a nap but I think he put her to sleep those sweet moments when the babies sleep with you.  Shaun loves his TT!

Morgan was being a good big cousin and was trying I get Lino to take a nap but he wouldn't go to sleep so she ended up carrying him downstairs because he didn't want to walk...I was amazed that she could carry him!!!!

The rest of the afternoon was pretty relaxed. We had to do pass the phone with Mike, which is true Britton tradition then slowly people started leaving. Uncle Carter & family and Uncle Joe & Aunt Nancye still had one more night before they left so we all hung out until late. Uncle Carter actually needed up working on TT's basement helping Pierre to fix the baseboards...he loves to fix stuff so he couldn't help himself. So we said our goodbyes to the VA family since they weed going to head to the airport straight from the hotel in the morning.  It was so good to see them and to hang out with Miss Kennedy for a while, it's been almost 2yrs since we last saw them. Hopefully it won't be so long until the next time we see them. We all turned in early for the has been a long weekend. 

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