Thursday 10 October 2013

Slow but busy is that possible?

This was a slow week, really nothing exciting to report.  Lino is still up and down at night. Last night he was up 2x and the last time we just gave up since it was 6:45.  Monday we went to Gymboree but the other moms didn't make it so it was just us. We spent a few hours there then went across the parking lot to get a pot for Lino's bulb he planted...a school project.  We originally planted it in a container that I had in the house but it wasn't really the right one and I was worried it wasn't going to grow so we went to find a proper one. The guys in the gardening section was really nice because he just gave us a bunch of the extra plastic pots that they would normally throw out. So we got about a dozen plastic pots for free!!! Sweet.  Then home to play and make dinner. Since we didn't get to make the Wellington on Sunday I was in charge of making that and Mikes special risotto. Well I attempted to make it but it's kind of hard to pull off such a delicate technique as risotto with 2 screaming kids...anyway the Wellington came out let's see if Lino eats it.   I guess I will let Mike stick to making the risotto :-)

The little rolls are the extra mushroom base and prosciutto...nice little snacks that I thought Lino might like but no. 

Tuesday was another crazy night for Lino and for me. I usually am pretty good about putting Lino back in the bed when he gets up but for some reason I had no concept of what I was doing and let him get into the bed at 6. So for a hour he was kicking us, smacking us and just down right reeking havoc on the bed...this is not a good way to start the morning.  Oh well, not much we can do about it. So today was shopping in the morning and coffee morning in the city. Lino had a great time and the weather was nice so after we left we went to the park to play a little more. I put Shaun on the slides to see if he would like it but I don't think he did. But once he was on Lino wanted to slide with him so they was cute. But I think we need a couple more weeks  or so before Shaun really enjoys it. 

Happy brothers on the slides. 

We were having a decent day until Lino had another poopy diaper. I was so frustrated I was shaking. I wanted to kill him because he looked right at me and I told him to go poop because he was holding his butt like he had to poop and what did he do???? He looked me right in the eyes and pooped...WTF!!!!!  I called all my allies to get advice and all of them said the same thing, "you can't make him go to the potty at this stage and of he is doing it right in front of you like that you have to let it go and completely ignore him"!!!  So I bit my tongue and let it go...but it was hard. So the afternoon was recked but thankfully Mike dealt with poopy but. 

Wednesday was crazy busy. I did the normal drop off then went to get a few things from the store before heading to a sling meet. I want to get anther sling but don't know what I want.  So I went there and saw one of Lino's friends mom from play school so we talked, I tried on a couple of slings it didn't want to pay for the rental so I left. I raced home to put the groceries in the fridge before Lino got home and when I got home I noticed that I had a low tire...a freaking slow leak I think. So I check with the hubby and he said to get it fixed but I had plans of having people over in the afternoon and I still needed to make the cake so going to the tyre/tire shop wasn't really in my plans but I guess it has to be done. So I picked Lino up and we wet to get the tire fixed. 

I was trying to explain to Lino what a flat tire was...not sure he got it but he left me alone after a couple questions.

Thankfully it was only a slow leak from a nail so the guy was able to pull the nail out and fill it pretty quickly, like 10min and it cost me nothing at all!!!! I was so shocked and happy it was a nice treat. I know it didn't really cost much to fix it but in the states I'm sure they would have charged me something, labor or something, so I was really surprised by the no charge. That's a nice thing about Ireland I guess.

So we went home I baked the cake and we had Michelle & Freya over for a little while. It was nice to have a chat and Lino loved all over Freya it was cute. He is so bossy too it's funny, he thinks he is everyone's dad...oh Lino. 

Thursday was another busy day for me...drop off, got fisjh for dinner, then to Midleton to go to the Garda station to show my car tax sticker. The funny thing was that the guy at the station looked at me like I had 10 heads when I told him what I was doing. It made me feel like these Garda's are nothing but con artist but I could be wrong, maybe the lady who pulled me over was just being nice so this wasn't protocol so that is why the guy was so confused. Who knows. So after that I headed to the coffee morning and got 2 invitations to meet at the farmers market but I had already committed to going to the coffee morning so I had to decline. But it felt good to get invitations!!!  Coffee morning was busy but good, then went to get Lino and then home for lunch. During lunch we got invited to Fota so we raced to get ready for that. It was such a nice day so it was perfect to go to Fota...Lino was excited.  So we went there with Nicole and had a good afternoon. Lino had another poop and I felt like a bad mom because I let him sit in it but he has to learn, he is stubborn. So we went home a little early because of the poop.  On the way out I saw the funniest thing, it must be mating season for the giraffes because the male giraffe was following the female around and she pee'd right in front of him and he took a sample of her his mouth!!! Then he didn't just drink it, he lifted it up to the air and swished it around in his mouth, like he was seriously testing it. He did this for like 5min, and the kids asked why he was drinking the other giraffes pee...neither one of us had a good explanation so we just said we didn't know. Too funny. We left there and went home for dinner and Mike cleaned Lino up.  Lino actually wanted to eat dinner which was a nice surprise but I think he was hungry because if his busy day. 

Friday was coffee morning at the Claire's house, mom at the school. I Shaun wasn't sleeping well and Lino got up around 6:30 so I got up at 7 to finish the cake I was making and to upload pictures to the internet.  Mike said I was crazy for baking at 7am, and he might be right but I didn't want to bring stale cake to my first coffee morning :-/.  Shaun had a blow out while we at her house and I had no real clothes to change him into, only summer clothes because I'm so out of it. So I had to borrow clothes from the ladies, oh Renee. We spent 2.5hrs talking which was actually really nice. I learned a lot about circumcision practices or non practice in Ireland which was crazy, and about Irish twins (kids born within 1yr of each other) and got to share crazy stories about raising boys...good times. After picking up Lino it was back home for lunch I put clothes out to dry since it was such a beautiful day. But it smelled like manure in the air, as it always does, and I could only wonder if my clothes smell like cow poo or fresh air???? Hard to say...oh well. The things you do to save a few bucks. 

Laundry getting a fresh scent drying or a cow poo infusion?  

We were having our first Irish sitter, child minder, tonight so Mike only jogged half way home and we went to get him half way. I tried some Benadryl on Lino for lunch to see if it would put him to sleep or keep him prep for our surprise trip back home. He was tired after about 45min but wouldn't go to sleep. Instead he screamed from his bed for about a hour before finally giving up...he was so tired. I thought he might sleep for a while but he only slept a hour and was super nasty after bueno. So when it was time to go get Mike he was not happy at all but finally I was able to convince him to get in the car. We got Mike and went home to get ready for our date night. One of Mikes coworkers daughter watched the boys and she was super sweet. Lino didn't know what to think at first but quickly decided he liked having someone new over. We told her all about the boys and told her about Shaun and prayed that he would be good. He has only taken a bottle 1x with someone as has only been with a sitter one other time as well...which he didn't take a bother for her. So we were worried he wouldn't take a bottle again but she wasn't too worried. I figured he would be ok either way because I knew he was fed and we weren't going to be gone long so he could survive if he didn't want the milk. Oh, speaking of milk...the stupid freezer sucks and it must go thru these freeze thaw cycles all the time because there were ice sickles all in the freezer and frost everywhere.  Not to mention the refrigerator is usually frozen over about once a week which is a complete pain in the least the bottom shelf doesn't  freeze but it's a complete nightmare. One day the #3 setting on the fridge is great then 2 days later everything is frozen...WTF! Anyway we went to dinner in the city, Greene, and then went to a pub for a couple pints...a couple for Mike it was more like 2/3 of a pint for me :-/   It was just nice to have a conversation without chasing after a 3yr old or wrestling a 6mo old. And we only checked on the kiddos once which was good for me.  We tried not I talk about the normal things but it took a little while to get the work/kids/home topics off the table but after that it was nice good old fashion general conversation...jokes about the people in the bar, talking about fashion that we both have no clue about, getting caught up on politics (that I hate but enjoyed today) then of course reminiscing about our dating days :-) <3. It was a nice few hours of adult time with my love.  We caught the train back and got home to a quiet house but soon discovered that Shaun didn't take the bottle, as predicted, and cried for a while but Lino was good and a good big brother and sang to him a lot to help calm him down. So all in all everyone survived!  So Mike put Lino to bed and I tried to get Shaun to take the bottle but no dice so I fed him and he went

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