Friday 12 July 2013

I will walk 500 miles ... praise The Lord!

Started the morning off with a drive to Pepsi. I seem to be getting the hang of this driving thing. I can pretty much make it to Pepsi and back without the GPS!!! And now I'm down to only needing to use two hands to drive on one of the small that means the other hand is free to reach back to the back seat and hold Shaun's hand...he still hates the car ride and 50-75% of the time he's screaming while we are driving. Lets just say it doesn't help ease my nerves while driving so I hold his hand for a min to let him know I'm here so he can calm down...50:50 chance it actually helps. 

So back to the apt for a quick breakfast then off for my Friday adventure. Today I went to find one of the parent and baby groups. There is a website that has all these post for where the parents get together with other parents & kids. So last night I spent at least a 1/2 hr looking up two places that have meeting times for Friday. One place was close to the city center and the other place was about 2 miles from the apt. So I decided to go to the one farthest away even tho it would be a long walk I decided it would be a good workout. So I headed out about an hr before the meeting time to make sure that I had enough time to get loss and still make it there close to on time. Google Maps said it would take me 38mim to get there and it was about right. So I find the place which was a nice surprise but it was all fenced in. WTF??? So I walk around the building trying to find a way to penetrate the fence but no dice. So I go next door to see if they know when it opens (it was a community center) and they have no idea. So I call the place...and no answer. So after 2 miles of walking and 38 min I ended up just turning round and heading back to the city. The whole time I just kept thinking I should have called first. This is the second place that I have went to for a mommy group and there was no mommies to be found!! I'm starting to think this website is more trouble than help. I have a few other places I want to visit next week too so I guess I'll be calling them in advance to make sure the meeting times and places are legit. 

So since it was still early and I was heading towards the city anyway I decided to give this other meeting place a try...maybe the third time is a charm??? So I actually find the place pretty easily...It's just past the cinema that we went to last weekend and its right off of the river. Anyway I get there and I see all the toys and a blackboard with the sign about the parent group but there are no parents and no kids. Seriously??? Another failed's just not working out for me. So even tho there was no one there I was pooped and hot so I decided to just hang out there anyway and enjoy a fresh scone (Mike & I are really starting to like these biscuit things). So while ordering I ask the lady if the moms ever come and she was like yeah, YESTERDAY there where loads of moms and kids!  Ahhhh of course... yesterday... so I chatted with her for a bit and got the scoop that Tue and Thu are usually the busy days but because of the summer it's kind of hit or miss. So the moral of the story is I better call ahead before I waste time trying to find these places. I guess you live and learn. 

So while I was enjoying my scone and a soda I met a nice older couple...

Hana & Sean. They were goo goo over Shaun of course and loved his name. We sat and chatted for a while it seems, then all of a sudden it happen...they asked me if I believe in The Lord Jesus Christ??? :-0. After our 2 days of cultural training at Pepsi I was under the impression that religious talk was not very common here so I was caught off guard. But I answered anyway and said yes. So I told them about our church back home (they saw my bracelet with our churches website on it) then they told me about how they became saved!!! It was the weirdest conversation I've had here...first off it was kind of hard to understand Sean but even more I was just surprised that they were not Catholic. On every corner there is a Catholic Church and a betting place (they love to gamble here...seems like they bet on almost everything) so I just never expected to have that kind of conversation.  So anyway I did it, we sat and talked religion for about 30 min!! They were so nice and just wanted to share their love for God so I couldn't be mad. Sean did a lot of preaching and quoting of scripture but nothing too over powering. Then he went to his car and brought me this flyer

Then I realized that they were baptist. Crazy to find baptist in Ireland. So another 30 min of religion talkfollowed by   15 min of race talks. Hana was telling me that there are a few black families at the church and that they share the word with other Irish people. Then she asked me if I would prefer to be called black or colored??? "Because in England they prefer to be called colored but in Ireland they prefer to be called black." She says. I'm stumped for a sec because I totally wasn't prepared for this detour in the already awkward religious talk. My first instinct was to tell her I preferred to be called Renee...but instead of being a smart ass I told her black was fine. Then that got me to thinking...I use to class myself as an African American and I was wondering why Africans are the only ones that commonly group the 2? Why don't other immigrants consider themselves ___ American's? Anyway it was an interesting conversation I had with myself as Sean shared some more scriptures. Then somehow I found my exit...I had to change Shaun's diaper. So almost 1.5 hrs later we said our goodbyes...but I think i'll be seeing them again. What an interesting way to spend the morning. 

After my morning in the city and walk back to the apt I realized I had walked over 5.5 miles (with Shaun strapped to me don't forget). Oh yeah...burning those calories :-)   But man was I zapped... 5 miles isn't really that much but with Shaun it's bit of a beating. So anyway, I decided to go back to the first salon that I visited to get my hair washed and blow dried... Sort of a treat for my crazy day. I was hoping that I would be able to get in and out before Mike was ready to leave and before Shaun got tired of sitting there. Thankfully all the ladies in the salon were in love with Shaun so when he did get a little fussy, 10 min or so before we left, one of the ladies grabbed him up and walked and talked to him until I was done. I did like the salon so I will probably be back...feels good to get a good wash in!  And I got done in like less than 1.5 hrs so perfect timing for getting Mike!

So picked Mile up from work (after getting turned around and a little lost from coming from a different direction) and we both had good news...Mike tells me that he got it set up for us to get our room cleaned once a week instead of "fort night"...biweekly. And my surprise to him was that they cleaned the room today!'s the little things that make the difference. So we had dinner (chicken again) and decided to take a walk down to the corner to go to the Wine Bar. My back was killing me from all the walking with Shaun today so I had Mike sport the Moby to give me a little break...they are so cute together!!  
This is Mikes first time wearing the Moby...what a good husband and daddy!  

So once we got to the wine bar it was so nice out so we sat outside and had a coffee and wine while we played our favorite game..."this or that". For those who don't know this game or have never played with us before it is a silly but fun game but you always learn a lot about your spouse when you play it. Nothing like guess the next gas price (I know you were going to ask about that Angela). So basically all you do is pick 2 things and see which one they would prefer. Like Mike would ask me...ketchup or mustard?? And I would say ketchup of course. Then I would ask him the same question back and he would say ketchup too. The only rules are you have to answer, there is no such thing as a pass or can't decide and 2 you can't put the question into context. Meaning you can't say well if you are talking about on a brat it would be mustard but if you're talking about on a hamburger it would be ketchup...nope that's a cop out and you can't do that...have to just answer with which one you prefer the most. So we do that with food, places to live, people's names, cars, whatever. Anyway it's fun and like I said you always find out something new about the other person...or remember something about them that you forgot. We laughed so hard it was great, I just love playing that my husband so much.  What a great way to end our week. I hope we have many more like this one, definately a good one. 

Can't wait for our weekend adventure!!!


  1. Oh man, this is a family friendly blog, but you posted about this or that. All I can think of is Mike's favorite question to me.

    1. Well you see I didn't post what our this or that topic was...that's bc it wasn't very appropriate either. Don't want my mom asking me about it. Hahah
